The Economist - New Home Page

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The Economist - Our new home page

The Economist online has just introduced a new streamlined home page, featuring more interactive content and a new, easy-to-navigate design. Among the changes, you'll find:
Home page
  • Editor's update: A brief summary and analysis of the day's news and events
  • Economist debates: An award-winning debate forum engaging readers and subject matter experts in a vigorous debate format about some of the day's most controversial issues
  • By Invitation: Provides readers with an opportunity to read and comment on the opinions of our invited guest economists as they discuss the day's most compelling topics
Our new home page will enable you to discover and enjoy more of the comments, analysis and opinions that have become hallmarks of The Economist. We encourage you to explore our new home page and give us your feedback.

READ Relevant articles, research and special reports

• The president's push for more stimulus hits the buffers
• Stress testing Europe's wobbly banks
• Gold is not as expensive as it seems

ENGAGE Listen and watch the complete story unfold
Gaza besiegedGaza besieged: Tunnels, smuggling and Israel's blockade
Photographer Bruno Stevens on Gaza's intricate network of tunnel and circumventing Israel's stifling                                trade restrictions.
Spies in suburbiaSpies in suburbia 
With a spy ring apparently uncovered in America, our correspondents discuss the implications for Russia

DISCUSS Join conversations with your fellow readers
Join conversations with your fellow readersView and comment on the latest postings on our new blogs and debates
• Schumpeter's notebook: The individuals and ideas behind the latest trends in business and management
• Live online debate: Should the English-speaking world adopt American English?
• Johnson: The online reincarnation of the language column that ran in The Economist for many years


The president's push for more stimulus hits the buffers
Barack Obama's plea to stimulate economic growth now and cut deficits later got a mixed response from world leaders at the G20 summit in Toronto last weekend. And the reception back home was a lot worse

Stress testing Europe's wobbly banks
The tortuous process of "stress testing" Europe's wobbly banks

Gold is not as expensive as it seems
For the past nine months, the price of gold has been trading consistently over $1,000 an ounce. After adjusting for inflation, today's heady prices are some way off the 1980s mania
The Economist online: Read Engage Discuss

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